cycling in gyeongju

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Required documents for Irish looking for E2 visa

  • Apostilled Degree- Ok so you have to get your original degree and photocopy it. You then need to get your photocopied  and original degree notarised. For a list of places that can do this within your locality please click this link This should cost you around €25. You then need to bring the notarised photocopy of your degree to the department of foreign affairs to get it apostilled. This will cost you €20. Finding the department of foreign affairs is very easy. When you are standing at the end of grafton street, Dublin,  and looking directly at Stephens Green cross the road towards stephens green and turn right, keep walking that street until you come to the corner of stephens green and you follow the pavement around the corner onto the next street. The department of foreign affairs is literally at the end of this street on the opposite side in a grey building. 
  • Apostilled Garda Certificate- Ok this was the hardest part for me anyway. Hopefully you wont have the experience I had - gardaĆ­ were telling me one thing and the department of foreign affairs were telling me the other. You need to go into your local Garda Station and ask them for a police certificate- apparently these are for adopting and stuff so you need to explain to them that you need it for teaching english in Korea. The top of it will say "Police Certificate" and there should be a header- in that header you should request them to write something similar to "this certificate is issued solely for the information of consular authorities" . It should then say your name, DOB, Addresses and must be ink signed by superintendent or someone of a similar role.  Make sure this is the one you get as I got a nationwide check (which one would only assume would be better than a local check) and they sent me packing. Then go to the department of foreign affairs with you notarised degree and get it apostilled. This will cost you €20. 
  • 3 sets of Sealed University Transcripts- So I don't know what other colleges are like, but I was able to order my transcripts off the Waterford Institute of Technology website. When ordering them make sure to ask for them to be sealed. Mine did't come sealed so I just went to the humanities office and they put them in a sealed envelope for me. (sealed: in an envelope with a stamp and/or signature on the seal)
  • Academic and Personal reference- This is quite basic... don't think I need to explain this.. :P
  • CV- also quite easy- has to be ink signed 
  • photocopy of info page on passport
  • 4 x coloured Passport photos 2"x2"- sam mccauleys didnt have a clue what I was on bout when i said 2"x2" but if you say its like the ones for America they kinda get the idea haha
right I cant think of anything else... there is a checklist and medical list that you will need to send off along with your contract, but that will be sent to you closer the time.
hope it helps lads, and if you have any questions just ask... I am a bit of a scatter brain so I probably forgot something :D

oh ps. just so everyone knows... I know it says everywhere that you need a BA university degree.. but dont worry, IT's are ok... Well WIT was anyway, and im quite sure Carlow IT is aswel... I think its just a culture difference so people dont really recognise IT's. Check it out for your own individual college though :D

Monday, February 13, 2012

mmmm Korea???

Well lads,
I had just finished college in April 2011, and as I suspected there was no jobs waiting for me. Well I thought, why not make the most of this recession and go have a great year in Korea. I heard about teaching in Korea through a few websites but I was then told more about it by a couple that had just returned. After hearing their stories I decided it was something I was definitely going to do in the new year after my few months travelling.

In December I got the ball rolling and started gathering the documents. I wont lie to you guys, it was probably the most traumatic experience of my life.. (maybe a slight exaggeration) but seriously the stress only lasts for about two weeks while your trying to gather everything up. There is that little issue of me leaving everything to the last minute that could have contributed to my stresses aswel ha.

Anyway, I got lined up for an interview in early February, and I got the job. The interviews are very simple. I wont even talk about the trauma that came with that telephone interview haha.. NB. make sure you have good coverage on your mobile phone ha.

It now the 14th of February and I am due to start work on the 5th of March. I feel like I havn't had time to fart but that just adds to the excitement. I genuinely can't wait to go now and I feel like its just a massive count down now.. I am literally twiddling my fingers while watching Jeremy Kyle, surfing the net and eating my mums brown bread all at the same time... seriously guys- thats impressive. Anyway what I am trying to say is: I WANT TO GO NOW ha.

Ok I am aware this is probably the worst ever post written in the history of blogs BUT I am new to this and its past my bed time :D

Right, much love
over and out
Kitty Kat